New ASA2 update brings support for PA API Belgium, Egypt and Saudi Arabia and optimizations for WordPress 6.1 and PHP 8
The new ASA2 update supports the three new countries where the Amazon PA API is now available: Belgium Egypt Saudi Arabia Compatibility with WordPress 6.1 The release of the new WordPress version 6.1 is imminent. The new ASA2 update has been tested and optimized for...
ASA2 gets support for and importing CSV files
With version 1.16 a new era begins for ASA2! From this release it is possible to work with other affiliate systems than Amazon on an automated basis. CSV File Import and Synchronization Since many smaller online stores or affiliate platforms like offer the...
Das erste ASA2 Update in 2022 bringt einige Verbesserungen und Vorbereitungen für das nächste große Feature-Update
Ich hoffe, alle ASA2-User sind gut in das neue Jahr 2022 gekommen. Auch dieses Jahr wird spannend für uns, denn das neue Feature zum Synchronisieren externer Shop-Daten wird bald verfügbar sein. Dann lässt sich endlich vernünftig mit anderen Shops neben Amazon...
First ASA2 update in 2022 brings some improvements and preparations for the next big feature update
I hope all ASA2 users have started the new year 2022 well. This year will also be exciting for us, because the new feature for synchronizing external shop data will be available soon. Then it will finally be possible to work reasonably with other stores besides...
ASA2 hat eine neue Funktion für den automatischen Austausch mit nicht verfügbaren Produkten
Die ASA2 Version 1.15.4 ist da und sie bringt ein besonderes Feature mit: Den automatischen Austausch von nicht verfügbaren Produkten. Wofür ist das gut? Im Affiliate-Marketing geht alles darum, beim Besucher das Interesse für einen Kaufen-Link zu wecken, damit er...
ASA2 has a new feature for automatic replace of unavailable products
ASA2 version 1.15.4 is out and it brings a special feature: The automatic replacement of unavailable products. What is it good for? Affiliate marketing is all about getting the visitor interested in a buy link so that they click on it. If the product is not available,...
ASA2 update 1.15.2 bringt Support für PA API Bewertungssterne
Amazon hat im Rahmen eines Booster Programms einigen Affiliates den Zugriff auf die Produktbewertungen via PA API erlaubt. Dabei geht es speziell darum, herauszufinden ob Produkte mit Bewertungssternen häufiger angeklickt werden, als solche ohne. Wenn der PA API...
ASA2 update 1.15.2 brings support for PA API customer ratings
As part of a booster program, Amazon has allowed some affiliates to access product ratings via PA API. The goal is to find out if products with rating stars are being clicked more often than those without. If the PA API account is authorized to do so, it will receive...
ASA2 update 1.15.1 brings many improvements and some new features
The major update in May was very well received by users. The new store feature is very popular and the ability to create Amazon products without an API connection helps many whose API access is not yet enabled. Since publication, a lot of feedback has been processed,...
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