
It’s all about transparency! Many of the features and solved problems go back to the feedback of our community.

So don’t hesitate to tell us your wishes or problems and thereby participate in the further development of ASA2.

1.21.1 (2024-06-13)

  • Added: Structured Data support for templates Flex_1, Sortable_table_2 and Columns_layout
  • Changed: URL for knowledge base search on dashboard changed to (asa2-5)
  • Changed: Enabling option "Alternative Secret Key encryption" by default for new installations (asa2-6)
  • Fixed: Structured data issues with not available products (#asa2-3)
  • Fixed: Structured data issues for products without reviews
  • Fixed: The time of the last connection test on the setup page could not be displayed correctly if external object caches are used (#213)
  • Fixed: PHP 8 deprecation issues (asa2-4)

1.21.0 (2024-04-13)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: Template option to include structured product data (#206)
  • Added: New placeholder {{ StructuredDataJsonLd }} which contains structured product data in JSON-LD format if used (#206) (Read more)
  • Added: Option for template Robust to add box shadow CSS
  • Added: Option for template Robust to customize button padding in pixels and set default button padding to 10
  • Added: Code editor themes selector and option for default theme
  • Changed: Template editor page layout improved
  • Fixed: Translation issue with buy button text (#204)
  • Fixed: Product shop change did not work with Amazon products (#205)
  • Fixed: PHP warning in ASA1 shortcode handler class (#207)

1.20.0 (2024-02-25)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: Up to 3x faster performance in shop data synchronization (#201)
  • Added: Preventing unnecessary downloads of datafeed file. Data feed file will be cached for configured time of data freshness
  • Added: Better support for very large data feed files
  • Added: CSV data mapping suggestion for MediaMarkt
  • Added: Awin datafeed data mapping suggestion now supports merchant name
  • Changed: If the product update cronjob is called with an invalid shop ID (option "shop_id"), this was previously ignored and products from other stores were processed. Now it terminates with an error message. (#203)
  • Fixed: PHP error that could occur on the editing page of products
  • Fixed: Possible PHP warnings on product initialisation
  • Fixed: The shortcut "Asa2SyncShopData" did not work as explained in the docs
  • Fixed: Issue with API request on asa2_textlink shortcode (#202)
  • Fixed: Option for global short URLs (Amazon) did not work in every case
  • Fixed: Many PHP 8.2 issues

1.19.0 (2023-11-21)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: Improved product picker filter selection for Smart Collection categories and tags (#199)
  • Added: Improved product picker filter selection for Keywords (#200)
  • Fixed: smart collection cat_slug filter didn't work as expected with hierarchical categories (#198)

1.18.1 (2023-11-01)

  • Added: WP function wp_star_rating added to allowed wp template functions: {{ wp.wp_star_rating(...) }}
  • Fixed: When displaying the last refresh date of a product, day and month names were not localized correctly (#196)
  • Fixed: Issue with product auto refresh in the frontend (#197)

1.18.0 (2023-10-21)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: New option browse_node_id_append_link for shortcode asa2_keywords to show a link to the Amazon category (#184)
  • Added: Support for product merchant (PA API and external shops) (#185)
  • Added: Merchant placeholders: {{ MerchantName }}, {{ MerchantRating }}, {{ MerchantRatingCount }} (#186) (Read more)
  • Added: Option for managed templates to show merchant information if available (#188)
  • Added: Option to change buy button text color for templates Flat_box_horizontal and Flat_box_vertical (#190)
  • Fixed: Shortcode [asa2_textlink] did not include tracking code in url of custom shop products
  • Fixed: Ratings in shop data should be rounded to no more than one decimal place (#187)
  • Fixed: AMP mode did not work if the URL was not rewritten as expected. Now also works with ?amp=1 (#189)
  • Fixed: Activated product debug option caused auto updates in product overview (#192)
  • Fixed: Time of the last product update was displayed in UTC. Managed templates now use new placeholder LastItemUpdateTimezone (Read more) (#ASA2-#193)

1.17.0 (2023-08-20)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: Improved transparency regarding the time of the last successful data refresh. Two values are now displayed: Last successful data refresh and last refresh attempt.
  • Added: If the last refresh attempt failed, the error message is saved and can be displayed on the product.
  • Added: On other shop product pages the last successful data refresh date is displayed. This was previously only displayed for Amazon products.
  • Added: New PHP function asa2_get_product_by_id to get a ASA2 product object by a product ID.
  • Added: New PHP function asa2_is_shop to test if a variable is a valid ASA2 shop object.
  • Added: New option "select_items" for shortcode asa2_keywords with which you can select which out of the 10 products should be displayed, like select_items="1,3,5"
  • Added: The template options to display and configure the product features and description text for the "Robust" managed template.
  • Added: Multiselect checkbox in shop data browser
  • Added: Selected products counter on import button in shop data browser
  • Added: Several missing demo country IPs for i18n demo feature
  • Changed: Removed included MaxMind GeoIP2 Country database as announced with version 1.16.5
  • Fixed: Screen option "Items per page" did not work in Log section
  • Fixed: Saving a product as Draft did not save the images correctly
  • Fixed: When there was a problem with a product update, the time of the last update attempt was not refreshed. As a result, such products were processed over and over again during processing by the cronjob. (#0000183)
  • Fixed: Shop data browser navigation active page highlighting
  • Fixed: Issue with shop data text file encoding
  • Fixed: Prices from shops without a decimal place were treated as cents. 97 became 0.97 instead of 97.00.
  • Fixed: Added labels for column checkboxes "Connection Status" and "Data Freshness" in screen options on products overview page

1.16.9 (2023-07-04)

  • Fixed: Layout issue in managed template Robust
  • Fixed: PHP error that could occur on overview page of subsection Notifications
  • Fixed: Tooltips on product overview page
  • Fixed: Product list filters "Has no main offer" and "Has main offer" did not work correctly
  • Fixed: Notification filters "Has no main offer" and "Has main offer" did not work correctly
  • Fixed: Bulk actions in section Notifications did not work

1.16.8 (2023-04-24)

  • Added: Ajax option to disable request verification. This can be necessary when working with third party caching plugins
  • Added: Ajax option to show error messages in the front-end if logged in as admin
  • Added: Undocumented option item_page to documentation page of shortcode [asa2_keywords] (Read more)
  • Changed: The "Options" section has been completely revised
  • Fixed: If the ASIN in a shortcode was formatted, e.g. in bold, the output did not work
  • Fixed: Minor possible Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability

1.16.7 (2023-03-14)

  • Added: Option to hide price and max image size for managed templates Image_Layout_1, Image_Layout_Polaroid
  • Added: Support options for changing the position of the main menu items in case of conflicts with other plugins
  • Added: New option "Title max lines" for managed template Flex_1 through which the automatic line height can be adjusted
  • Fixed: Layout issues in managed template Image_Layout_Polaroid
  • Fixed: Image size issues in some managed templates
  • Fixed: PHP syntax issues

1.16.6 (2023-03-06)

  • Added: Link to placeholders page in product action links on product overview page
  • Changed: Custom Frontend CSS now gets included before the end of body (with action wp_footer)
  • Fixed: The "Show more" and "Show less" links used in some managed templates for limited display of features and description were not translated
  • Fixed: Removed references to deprecated code regarding the asa2_feed shortcode which could lead to fatal errors

1.16.5 (2023-02-26)

  • Added: New option "greater than 0" for CSV Shop Product Value "Available". This can be used for a column containing the number of pieces in stock where greater that 0 means available.
  • Added: New option for uploading MaxMind GeoIP2 Country database file which will be mandatory for using the i18n feature with the next major update (Read more)
  • Changed: Improved shop data synchronisation. Now showing reasons for invalid records
  • Changed: United Kingdom flag icons
  • Changed: Improved file size of image files used in some managed templates for better page load speed
  • Fixed: PHP syntax improvements
  • Fixed: Managed template Flex_1 did not show a product image if no large image version was available
  • Fixed: PHP Warning about undefined array key "price_type" and "price_type_label"
  • Fixed: Template translation for "pages" was missing
  • Fixed: Compatibility with PHP 8.0 + 8.1

1.16.4 (2023-01-09)

  • Fixed: Learn more button on collections admin page did not work as expected
  • Fixed: Unable to save Associate ID set values for PA API stores Belgium, Egypt and Saudi Arabia
  • Fixed: Unable to save template translation values for PA API stores Belgium, Egypt and Saudi Arabia
  • Fixed: The analysis of the product usage did not work correctly for products included by ID when called from the product overview

1.16.3 (2022-10-30)

  • Added: Support for Amazon PA API Belgium, Egypt and Saudi Arabia
  • Added: New option to adjust product title length in managed template Carousel
  • Added: Improvements for PHP 8.0 + 8.1
  • Added: Support for WordPress 6.1
  • Fixed: Image size issue with managed template Carousel
  • Fixed: The function to analyze the use of a product did not work with the product ID

1.16.2 (2022-08-06)

  • Fixed: The product data form fields for Amazon custom products were mistakenly hidden when in edit mode
  • Fixed: Data freshness indicator adjusted for custom products without API connection
  • Fixed: Some minor managed template issues
  • Fixed: Minor translation issues

1.16.1 (2022-06-18)

  • Fixed: A problem with the placeholder {{ LastItemUpdate }} where an invalid date format could cause a template not to be displayed

1.16.0 (2022-05-29)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: CSV file support for Shops (see Shop Data section) (Read more)
  • Added: Special support for data feeds (Read more)
  • Added: Cronjob Shop Data Sync to synchronize the shop's external CSV data (Read more)
  • Added: Copy product function
  • Added: [asa2] shortcode option "title" to overwrite the product title
  • Added: Smart Collection option "shop_id". Comma separated list of shop IDs to filter result by shops
  • Added: Option for custom title on product picker options tab
  • Added: Possibility to manually select a replacement product
  • Added: New placeholder option to remove unit prices
  • Added: Placeholders {{ ListPriceType }} and {{ ListPriceTypeLabel }} coming with EU Omnibus Directive from May 2022
  • Changed: Layout improvements for managed template "Robust"
  • Fixed: Problem running cronjobs when the command line environment was not recognized as such (#178)
  • Fixed: The displayed format of the Rest API Url in the service section was not correct for all servers. This has been optimized.
  • Fixed: Option "lifetime" for product update cronjob could not be reset with "0" when using via Rest API Url
  • Fixed: PHP 8 compatibility
  • Fixed: Issue with Smart Collection widget in WP's widget admin section
  • Fixed: Function to check for invalid ASINs was not prepared for using product IDs instead of ASINs
  • Fixed: Product update cronjob did not use default lifetime option if no lifetime was defined

1.15.7 (2022-02-06)

  • Fixed: Database error on Dashboard page when loading the product status metabox
  • Fixed: A rare PHP parse error that could occur in modules/Repo/lib/Model/Mapper/Repo.php:367
  • Fixed: Misrepresentation of the timestamp for the last connection test on the setup page

1.15.6 (2022-01-29)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: Availability status for custom products
  • Added: Item number for custom products
  • Added: Button to precalculate a replacement product
  • Added: Template option to add the value "sponsored" to the rel attribute of all outbound links (see Options > Templates > Front end)
  • Fixed: If i18n child products were saved in the frontend on first use, they were not assigned to the default store
  • Fixed: The form for importing collections was not displayed correctly
  • Fixed: Bulk export of collections did not work
  • Fixed: Custom empty price text did not work under certain circumstances
  • Fixed: Removed border attribute from amp-img tag in some managed templates which is not allowed in AMP

1.15.5 (2021-12-01)

  • Fixed: PHP issue "Class ...ArrayFromPaApi4Xml contains 10 abstract methods ..." that occurred when products still had the PA API 4 XML data stored

1.15.4 (2021-11-22)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: A new feature to auto-replace not available products
  • Added: A button to open a product's i18n child edit page directly from the i18n meta box
  • Added: Option to sort smart collection by custom fields
  • Added: New placeholders for Amazon products: {{ BrowseNodeId }}, {{ BrowseNodeName }}
  • Changed: If i18n feature is activated, shortcode asa2_smart_collection will now exclude child products
  • Fixed: Item dimensions placeholders (width, height, length, weight)
  • Fixed: The form for creating new templates had an issue when the field for the default HTML code was empty
  • Fixed: Issue when using the original title of i18n products
  • Fixed: Number of total available products was calculated incorrectly (total main got overwritten by total new)
  • Fixed: Caching issues of shortcode [asa2_smart_collection] with custom products
  • Fixed: Function to reset i18n default country mappings did not work

1.15.3 (2021-10-20)

  • Fixed: The placeholder "repo_content" was handled incorrectly

1.15.2 (2021-10-17)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: Support for new PA API 5 values "CustomerReviews.Count" and "CustomerReviews.StarRating" to receive the ratings via API if your account is eligible for it
  • Added: Field "Manufacturer" for custom products
  • Added: Placeholder "repo_content" which stands for the product description text now supports shortcodes
  • Changed: Shortcode asa2_textlink now supports links of custom products and if no text is provided, the product title will be used automatically (Read more)
  • Fixed: Sort products by API status did not work (#165)
  • Fixed: Search index values for the PA API search function were not up to date in some cases
  • Fixed: Text links always used an short format for URLs. Now the official URL from the API is used if no short URL format is selected in the options

1.15.1 (2021-06-28)

  • Added: Option image_max_height for template "Robust" that applies in vertical mode on narrow screen widths
  • Added: New option for template "Robust" to decide whether to show the product ratings and number of total reviews or not
  • Added: Product list bulk action to convert Amazon PA API connected products to a custom products
  • Added: Option to define the calculation method for last update time of custom products (#157)
  • Added: Options "queue_id" and "proxy_id" for ratings cronjob (Read more)
  • Changed: Proxy server feature for ratings now uses a custom cURL approach if cURL is available which works more reliably
  • Changed: Reduced file size of icon sprite for rating stars to improve LCP. If the graphic is only needed for the rating stars, now only 9KB instead of 55KB need to be loaded.
  • Fixed: Minor issues with template "Robust"
  • Fixed: PHP error that could occur when emptying the products trash
  • Fixed: Storing the results of shortcode [asa2_keywords] did not set the default shop for the products
  • Fixed: Compatibility fix with plugin "Easy Table of Contents" (
  • Fixed: If shop logo was not set, Amazon logo was used
  • Fixed: The cronjob output did not work as expected on some systems
  • Fixed: Keywords preload cronjob did not write logging details for the dashboard cronjob metabox
  • Fixed: The warning "Probably invalid ASIN detected" was logged even though the ASIN was not used
  • Fixed: Image fixes for the AMP mode of some templates (#161)
  • Fixed: Improved AMP layout for several managed templates
  • Fixed: Improved handling of incorrect shortcodes. No API request if no ASIN is present. (#162)
  • Fixed: Username and password for proxy server were not set correctly
  • Fixed: PHP 8 fixes

1.15.0 (2021-05-01)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: Create other Affiliate Shops (Read more)
  • Added: Create Amazon products without PA API connection (Read more)
  • Added: Managed Template "Robust" that is set as default for new installations (Read more)
  • Added: Support for Amazon Poland
  • Added: Support for Amazon Sweden
  • Added: Products usage function supports search for "id" (#137)
  • Added: Keywords preloading function to avoid API requests on visitor access (Read more)
  • Added: New placeholders to distinguish the type of a product: {{ IsCustomProduct }}, {{ IsAmazonProduct }}
  • Added: New shop related placeholders: {{ BuyButtonText }}
  • Added: New placeholder {{ LoopIndex }} for list shortcodes (like [asa2_smart_collection] and [asa2_keywords]) that can show the position of a product within the list
  • Added: Misc new placeholder: {{ DisclaimerText }}, {{ AffiliateURL }}
  • Added: Option "id" for product refresh cronjob (Read more)
  • Added: Cronjob Wrapper class which can be used to run every ASA2 cronjob with WP Cron API (Read more)
  • Added: Cronjob REST API: Allows to use the cronjobs via URL (Read more)
  • Added: Placeholders for shop logo: {{ ShopLogoSmallURL }}, {{ ShopLogoSmallWidth }}, {{ ShopLogoSmallHeight }}, {{ ShopLogoMediumURL }}, {{ ShopLogoMediumWidth }}, {{ ShopLogoMediumHeight }}, {{ ShopLogoLargeURL }}, {{ ShopLogoLargeWidth }}, {{ ShopLogoLargeHeight }} (Read more)
  • Added: New product property "More Info URL" (text field) which can be used to link to another page with further product infos, e.g. a subpage with a dedicated product review. (Read more)
  • Added: New placeholder {{ MoreInfoURL }} which contains the "More Info URL" if set. The resulting button will not be shown on the target URL and can be disabled on other pages with the shortcode option more_info_button="false". (Read more)
  • Added: Product usage function supports shortcode [asa2_img]
  • Added: "Copy to Clipboard" links in section "TestSuite / Placeholders"
  • Added: A confirmation message when a product title is changed by swapping the ASIN
  • Added: Option "Default template language" with which you can define the language to be used for all templates, regardless of which country the products originate from or link to.
  • Fixed: Display problem with template "Carousel" if Flat_box_vertical align is set to "center" (#139)
  • Fixed: Compatibility of Product Picker CSS improved
  • Fixed: Managed templates "Image_Layout_1" and "Image_Layout_Polaroid" did not perform very well with narrow images. New option "min_width" was introduced.
  • Fixed: Managed templates AMP fixes, especially for the Flat_box_* templates
  • Fixed: Number of items per page did not work in some list tables
  • Fixed: Consistent margin thickness for template "Flex_1"
  • Fixed: Code issue in ISBN function which could lead to a PHP warning (T#1688)
  • Fixed: Database error when creating the proxy table (#149)
  • Fixed: Rare error when the LastItemUpdate placeholder contained the timestamp twice
  • Fixed: WP Multisite installation. Now also works when new sites are created after ASA2 has been activated.

1.14.0 (2020-10-03)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: API stats recording and widget. Use option "Logging / Record API stats" to activate it
  • Added: Client-side request limit handling to reduce "TooManyRequests" API error
  • Added: Repo function "ASIN usage" now supports collections (#121)
  • Added: Option to enter a custom price for Repo items
  • Added: Option to enter a custom rating for Repo items (#120)
  • Added: Option for price disclaimer default timestamp format
  • Added: Cronjob metabox in section "Service" which contains helpful information about cronjob setup
  • Changed: Updated managed templates to support custom price and rating
  • Changed: Increased the default Repo item lifetime from one to six hours to prevent unnecessary API requests for average use cases. Reduce it again if necessary.
  • Fixed: Placeholder {$CustomerReviewsURL} is working again
  • Fixed: Repo ASIN search did not work in some cases

1.13.6 (2020-08-16)

  • Fixed: An error that occurred when using ASA2's notifications, WP 5.5 and the plugin WPMailSMTP
  • Fixed: Line break issue with PA API requests on Windows servers (#118)

1.13.5 (2020-08-07)

  • Fixed: The unavailability of products was incorrectly calculated in the context of price variations (#125)
  • Fixed: The Repo status of products was set to invalid if the API request returned an error, even if it had nothing to do with the product. Pending a better solution, this behaviour is suspended for the time being.
  • Fixed: The price range for products with variations could not be calculated in all cases (#124)
  • Fixed: Keyword search did still not support {{ Brand }} placeholder 😉
  • Fixed: Avoiding an infinite loop when using the internationalization feature in combination with demo user

1.13.4 (2020-06-05)

  • Added: Shortcode option "id" which can be used to place a custom CSS id attribute on the outer container of managed templates (#111)
  • Fixed: The separation of the individual caches did not work correctly
  • Fixed: The display of images did not work in section "TestSuite / Placeholders".
  • Fixed: Keyword search did not support {{ Brand }} placeholder

1.13.3 (2020-05-14)

  • Fixed: Code changes to ensure compatibility with PHP 5.6 which is no longer officially supported. Please use at least PHP 7.1!

1.13.2 (2020-05-10)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: Support for Amazon Product Advertising API Netherlands, Singapore, Turkey, United Arab Emirates
  • Added: Image placeholders {{ MainImageURL }}, {{ MainImageWidth }}, {{ MainImageHeight }} (Read more)
  • Added: "Embed" link on repo articles to show some sample short codes for embedding
  • Added: Shortcode option "repo_id" to be able to bind a shortcode to a Repo item. Available for asa2, asa2_img and asa2_textlink
  • Added: Option "img" for shortcode [asa2] which lets you define an alternate main image (Read more) (#69)
  • Changed: The HTML code of the managed templates was simplified by outsourcing template logic to PHP preprocessors.
  • Fixed: If the lowest and highest variation price are identical, only one price is displayed (#83)
  • Fixed: Proxy hosts now also support names (instead of IP addresses) (#90)
  • Fixed: Managed templates "Horizontal_box", "Book", "Music" and "Movie" did not support Title shortening via option "title_length" (#93)
  • Fixed: The rendering of templates in category descriptions did not work (#95)
  • Fixed: Product Picker only loaded the first page of search results with API 5. Now page 1 - 10 works again. (#80)
  • Fixed: Template rendering issues with PHP 7.4 (missing whitespace) (#89)
  • Fixed: Managed tempaltes displayed the savings amount twice (because the content of the placeholder has changed with PA API 5)
  • Fixed: The URL importer automatically parsed the product ratings, which could lead to delays and aborts. This can now be activated optionally. (#99)
  • Fixed: Optimized CSS for managed template Carousel (#86)
  • Fixed: The price placeholders ...PriceAmount could contain a wrong value

1.13.1 (2020-03-08)

  • Changed: Standard version of the PA API set to 5, so that 5 is automatically selected for a new installations

1.13.0 (2020-02-28)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: Keyword Search Feature. Currently usable with the shortcut asa2_keywords. A GUI element will follow.
  • Added: Function to directly process an item in advanced ratings mode (link "Process now" in ratings table)
  • Added: PHP function "asa2_get_variations" to perform PA API 5 operation GetVariations
  • Added: New options section "Product Picker" to adjust the Product Picker's behavior
  • Added: Button to clear Associate ID sets cache which was missing so far
  • Added: Support for price variations with PA API 5. While in beta, activate option "Advanced / Handle price variations with PA API 5" to use it.
  • Changed: Improved managed template "Flex_1" compatibility with WP theme Twenty Twenty
  • Changed: Moved option "Hide managed in picker" from options section "Templates" to new section "Product Picker"
  • Changed: Improved managed template "Sortable_table_2" for mobile display
  • Fixed: Optimization of the log entry cleanup process that could lead to database deadlocks
  • Fixed: Logging option "Log API request URL" did not work with PA API 5
  • Fixed: Cache optimization for associate ID sets and template translations
  • Fixed: Placeholder {{ SalesRank }} contained an empty array with PA API 5 if no sales rank data was present. Now it contains null in that case.

1.12.5 (2019-11-26)

  • Fixed: Issue with Single Image feature. The first product image was not displayed with API 5. (#67)
  • Fixed: Issue with scale effect of managed template Flat_box_horizontal
  • Fixed: Proxy list was not sortable by date of addition

1.12.4 (2019-11-12)

  • Fixed: Improved compatibility with other plugins

1.12.3 (2019-11-11)

  • Changed: Setup form improved. The API connection test is now executed only once per hour
  • Fixed: Support for book placeholders {{ Author }}, {{ AuthorArray }}, {{ AuthorHtmlList }}, {{ NumberOfPages }}, {{ ISBN }}, {{ Edition }}
  • Fixed: PHP warning that could occur when encrypting the API secret key and license key

1.12.2 (2019-10-30)

  • Fixed: Improvements to avoid class conflicts with other plugins that also use PA API 5.0

1.12.1 (2019-10-23)

  • Fixed: Minor improvements regarding PA API 5.0

1.12.0 (2019-10-22)

  • Important Change!: In the course of the changes to support the PA API 5.0 a lot of code was changed and added. If you encounter problems or conflicts with other plugins during installation, please contact support (
  • New: Support for PA API 5.0 which is mandatory from November 2019 on. Check the PA API 5.0 Blog Post
  • Changed: Requires PHP 5.5. Please note that this version is already "End of life" (see supported PHP versions). Please upgrade to a current PHP version (currently at least 7.1)
  • Changed: Managed templates were checked and revised with regard to PA API 5.0 compatibility.
  • Fixed: When using the shortcode [asa2_img], the first image was not loaded if the "img" option was missing. (#52)
  • Fixed: Placeholders {{ LastItemUpdate }} and {{ LastItemUpdateBlogFormat }} were empty if item was loaded via API.
  • Fixed: An AMP CSS issue.
  • Fixed: Option "country_code" of the item refresh cronjob did not handle multiple country codes properly (separated by comma).

1.11.0 (2019-09-06)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: Support for WP Cron API for ASA2's product refresh cronjob (Read more) (#14)
  • Added: New option to debug cronjob execution
  • Added: New option to limit the feature text length for managed templates ("Feature text max length") (#38)
  • Changed: Dependencies updated for managed template "Sortable_table_2"
  • Fixed: The three points for shortening the description text with "Read more" link were no longer displayed (#41)
  • Fixed: Memory limit problem that rarely occurred when rendering templates (#42)
  • Fixed: Managed template option "custom_css" did not work as expected (#44)

1.10.8 (2019-07-14)

  • Fixed: Repo import did not work with search URLs (#33)
  • Changed: Improvements to the topic "RequestThrottled" (#35)
  • Changed: The URL format of text links is now adjusted to the format settings under "Options / Templates" (#34)

1.10.7 (2019-05-05)

  • Added: Function to import text list of proxies (host:port) (#ASA2-24)
  • Fixed: Issue with plugin AMPforWP (since caused fatal error on AMP pages (#ASA2-52)

1.10.6 (2019-03-20)

  • Added: Added a new option to set a fixed pause in seconds between two API requests when using the Repo items refresh cronjob in "Options / Advanced" (#ASA2-48)
  • Added: Added a new command line option "pause" for the Repo items refresh cronjob (#ASA2-48)
  • Added: Added a warning for the option to use shortened links because it can lead to partner program exclusion (#ASA2-45)
  • Changed: Repo option "Request limits handling" gets activated by default on new installations (#ASA2-46)
  • Fixed: Editor button now works in Gutenberg's "Classic" block (#ASA2-47)

1.10.5 (2019-03-03)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: New option "image size" for templates "Flat_box_vertical" and "Flat_box_horizontal" (#ASA2-33)
  • Added: New option for template "Flex_1" to show prime logo with price (default is on) (#ASA-28)
  • Added: New option "Custom CSS" for every every managed template
  • Changed: All templates now have the same options for price and affiliate link disclaimers and these are enabled by default
  • Fixed: A bug with "Flat_box_vertical" and "Flat_box_horizontal" alignment (#ASA2-29)
  • Fixed: The template "Flat_box_vertical" was not displayed 100% width on mobile devices (#ASA2-31)
  • Fixed: Price disclaimer popup flickered at Flat_box_* in combination with hover effect (#ASA2-44)
  • Fixed: "Flex_1" had some problems on AMP pages (#ASA2-38)

1.10.4 (2019-02-03)

  • Added: Product Picker preserves last result and settings (#ASA2-12)
  • Added: New option to hide managed templates from templates admin section (see Options / Templates) (#ASA2-16)
  • Added: New option to edit managed templates which can be used together with support to fix issues until they will be delivered with the next update (#ASA2-17)
  • Added: New option for "Reset queue" button to remove items from rating queue that no longer exists in the Repo (#ASA2-26)
  • Added: The repo usage option now also supports text links (#ASA2-27)
  • Changed: If new articles are saved in the repo (via frontend) and the advanced ratings mode is used, the articles are sorted at the beginning of the ratings queue. (#ASA2-1)
  • Changed: Improved managed template "Carousel": smoother loading and same height of slides.
  • Changed: New options for managed template "Flex_1" to achieve same height for all items.
  • Changed: Proxies now get downgraded when the resulting rating is invalid. (#ASA2-23)
  • Fixed: Managed template "Flat_box_vertical" did not work with custom options (#ASA2-13)
  • Fixed: Managed template "Flat_box_vertical" had problems in Firefox with the hover effect (#ASA2-6)
  • Fixed: Optimizations for PHP 7.2 (function "each" replaced by "foreach") (#ASA2-7)
  • Fixed: PHP 7.3 improvements
  • Fixed: Conflict between the template "Carousel" and the picture slideshow in the other templates, if these were used together on one page.
  • Fixed: Templates bulk export did not work (#ASA2-15)
  • Fixed: Manged templates "Sortable_list_2" had problems displaying images on AMP pages.
  • Fixed: In rare cases and when using proxies it could happen that ratings greater than 5 were displayed. (#ASA2-23)

1.10.3 (2018-12-08)

  • Fixed: Issue with object cache (Serialization of 'SimpleXMLElement' is not allowed)

1.10.2 (2018-12-07)

  • Fixed: Added database patch executor for new table asa2_proxies

1.10.1 (2018-12-06)

  • Fixed: Added database selftest for new table asa2_proxies

1.10.0 (2018-12-06)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: WordPress 5 compatibility
  • Added: New search pattern algorithms to analyse the product ratings
  • Added: Support for proxy servers when analysing the ratings via cronjob
  • Added: ASIN usage report function for Repo items. Checks where an ASIN is used in posts and comments when used with [asa2] shortcodes.
  • Added: Country filter on the Repo overview page
  • Added: New Asa2_Cron_Ratings cronjob options "quantity" (To process more than one product per operation) and "pause" (to set a pause in seconds between the operations).
  • Added: Test to check for correctly installed template translations
  • Change: Repo listtable filter improvements
  • Change: New option for bash script: --php=... can be used to pass the local PHP executable to be used to run the script
  • Change: New option for bash script: --wp-load-path=... can be used to pass the path to wp-load.php in WP root in case WP core files are seperated from plugin directory
  • Change: Removed comments from mobile detect class which "Wordfence" mistakenly consideres a threat
  • Change: Improved placeholder {{ EditorialReviewsContent }} to prioritize content provided by Amazon
  • Change: Item names (like templates, collections, feeds...) are now allowed to contain a minus sign (-)
  • Fixed: Improved advanced ratings queue handling which in rare cases could lead to aborts in processing
  • Fixed: Minor CSS fixed in managed template Sortable_table_2
  • Fixed: Feed items have been transferred to the Repo although the option to disable this was set
  • Fixed: Default feed category was not set when feed items got stored in the Repo
  • Fixed: When filling the table asa2_ratings, a lock is set to prevent a job started in parallel from starting a second filling.
  • Fixed: Navigation elements of managed templates "Sortable_table" are translated now

1.9.2 (2018-07-25)

  • Fixed: Issue with database table patch for adding a new column for australian template translation (this could only in rare cases lead to errors)

1.9.1 (2018-07-22)

  • Added: API support for Australia
  • Added: Knowlegde Base search form on dashboard
  • Fixed: List table search did not work on admin pages
  • Fixed: Editor button did not appear for author role
  • Fixed: A problem where URLs on AMP pages were removed if the product title contained an umlaut
  • Fixed: In AMP mode, multiple style amp-custom tags had been created what was not AMP compliant. Now it's only one.
  • Fixed: Several managed templates got improved in terms of AMP compliance

1.9.0 (2018-05-14)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: Support for AMP pages. The managed templates are already prepared for AMP. (Read more)
  • Added: Local images feature. The images used in templates can now be downloaded to the local Media Library before delivering the page output to the visitor. (Read more)
  • Added: Log type filter. Gives the possibility to display certain log types only.
  • Added: Option "button max width" for managed template "Flat_box_horizontal"
  • Added: Smart collection option "cf" to be able to filter by custom fields (Read more)
  • Change: Redesigned options page. Improved usability through sidebar navigation.
  • Change: Logging refactoring
  • Change: Improved CSS of managed template "Flex_1"
  • Fixed: Improvements and fixes in managed templates "Image_Layout_1" and "Image_Layout_Polaroid"
  • Fixed: PHP warning: Missing argument 2 for asa2_default_error()
  • Fixed: Advanced ratings items to be skipped are filtered out before execution
  • Fixed: An error in template "Sortable_table" occured when the title column was disabled

1.8.1 (2017-12-20)

  • Added: New template "Flex_1" (Demo page)
  • Added: New rating stars layout
  • Change: PHP function asa2_i18n_get_store_safe_user_country_iso_code should not be used anymore. Use asa2_i18n_get_user_country_iso_code instead. (Read more)
  • Change: PHP function asa2_default_error should not be used anymore. Use asa2_log_default_error instead. (Read more)
  • Change: PHP function asa2_save_repo_item should not be used anymore. Use asa2_repo_save_item instead. (Read more)
  • Fixed: Managed Template "Image_Layout_1": Custom background color did not work, shortcode options did not work
  • Fixed: Managed Template "Image_Layout_Polaroid": Custom background color did not work, shortcode options did not work, custom title CSS did not work
  • Fixed: PHP function asa2_item_batch_lookup only worked with one country code
  • Fixed: PHP error: Call to a member function setCountryCode() on null in lib/Asa2/Service/Amazon/Response.php:134

1.8.0 (2017-11-23)

  • Check the Update Blog Post
  • Added: New feature to display a single image selected from all available ones (accompanied by the new short code [asa2_img]) (Read more)
  • Added: New managed template for image feature: Image_Layout_1 (Demo page)
  • Added: New managed template for image feature: Image_Layout_Polaroid (Demo page)
  • Added: Option "lifetime" for feed refresh cronjob (Read more)
  • Added: Option "limit" for feed refresh cronjob (Read more)
  • Added: Option "verbose" for feed refresh cronjob to show new items (Read more)
  • Added: Information about cronjob execution in server environment output in section "Service"
  • Added: URL Replace. New feature to parse comments, posts and widgets for Amazon links set by visitors and replace other Tracking IDs with your own. Check "Options / URL Replace". (Read more)
  • Added: ASIN filter that removes all non-alphanumeric characters from ASINs and checks whether it consist of only 10 characters and an option to disable it (in options section "Advanced")
  • Added: Dynamic placeholder "post" which contains all the properties of the WP Post object which is present when an ASA2 template gets loaded, like {{ post.post_title }}
  • Added: Template cache option to consider Post ID when working with the new {{ post.* }} placeholder
  • Added: Placeholder {{ repo_url }} for Repo items keeping the full permalink of Repo items including the custom page slug
  • Added: New shortcode option "translation" to force the template translation
  • Added: New formats supported by URL Importer: Single ASIN, Search Page Result (Read more)
  • Changed: Improved cronjob execution
  • Changed: When a feed gets refreshed, its items will be transfered to the Repo what did not happen before
  • Changed: Updated managed template "Flat_box_horizontal" (new options to change links targets, handle products without image, layout fixes and more)
  • Changed: Updated managed template "Flat_box_vertical" (new options to change links targets, handle products without image, layout fixes and more)
  • Changed: Updated managed template "Carousel" (added option "img_min_height" to achieve same height for all slides)
  • Changed: Updated managed template "Vertical_box" (button layout fix)
  • Changed: Updated CKEditor (used for template editing) to version 4.7.3
  • Changed: Image tag created by ImageSetsArray|get now includes the product title as "alt" value (Read more)
  • Fixed: Default Associate ID set was not used on internationalized products if no associate_id_set option was set. The default set is now used even for single products that do not belong to the configured default store.
  • Fixed: Grabbing and saving the ratings did not work in some cases without the advanced ratings mode
  • Fixed: Parsing the ratings page now uses a cache to prevent unnecessary multiple requests

1.7.1 (2017-07-31)

  • Fixed: Improved responsive behavior of managed template "Carousel"
  • Fixed: PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in lib/Asa2/Cache.php on line 38
  • Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: decrypted_string in lib/IfwAsa2/Util/Encryption.php on line 57
  • Fixed: Fixed and issue with template "Sortable_table"

1.7.0 (2017-07-18)

  • Teaser: See some of the new feature in this teaser video:
  • Added: Button to reset ratings queue in "Options / Ratings" (Read more)
  • Added: New managed template "Carousel" (Demo page)
  • Added: New managed template "Flat_box_horizontal" (Demo page)
  • Added: New managed template "Flat_box_vertical" (Demo page)
  • Added: New managed template "Sortable_table_2" (Demo page)
  • Added: New price placeholders containing integer values (without decimal mark) including the decimal places, e.g. {{ OffersMainPriceInteger }} (Read more)
  • Added: New logging option to limit the maximum amount of log entries (default 500) (Read more)
  • Added: New logging option to log API request URLs (Read more)
  • Added: On success, advanced ratings refresh automatically updates ratings values of repo items
  • Fixed: Advanced ratings processing could get blocked by not longer existing products
  • Fixed: Shortcode option "value" supported only one placeholder filter
  • Fixed: PHP 7 improvements
  • Fixed: Added support for OpenSSL to encryption methods as mcrypt is deprecated and will be removed in future PHP versions
  • Fixed: License check fixes / backend performance improvements
  • Fixed: Dashboard Repo stats did not exclude deleted / trashed items
  • Fixed: Advanced Ratings table sorting
  • Fixed: Some Spanish template placeholders have been corrected (thanks Cristian!)

1.6.1 (2017-01-03)

  • Fixed: Ratings database table was not created automatically on update

1.6.0 (2016-12-31)

  • Added: Advanced ratings handling (Read more)
  • Added: New cronjob dedicated to collect ratings (Read more)
  • Added: Option to use official add-to-cart buttons (Read more)
  • Added: New template variable: is_mobile (Read more)
  • Added: New template variable: is_mobile_not_tablet (Read more)
  • Added: New template variable: is_tablet (Read more)
  • Added: New option for managed templates to limit product description length (with appended "Show more" link) (Read more)
  • Added: New option for managed templates to limit the number of product features (with appended "Show more" link) (Read more)
  • Added: i18n option to use a custom title on all assigned products (Read more)
  • Added: New smart_collection option to filter for i18n products (Read more)
  • Added: Managed templates: Price disclaimer link next to the date of last update. Can be hidden via option.
  • Added: Support for shortcodes inside asa2 shortcodes
  • Changed: Managed templates: Moved date of last change next to the price as prescribed in API License Agreement
  • Changed: Improved managed template "Sortable_table"
  • Fixed: Smart_collection skipped i18n items

1.5.2 (2016-10-09)

  • Changed: Improved reviews parsing
  • Changed: Layout of managed templates has been improved if max width is used (for alignment)
  • Fixed: Layout of managed templates on mobile devices has been fixed

1.5.1 (2016-10-03)

  • Added: New filter option "country_code" for refresh cronjob
  • Fixed: Review parser log option did not work without cache log option being set
  • Fixed: Issue with replacing asa2 shortcode in post titles
  • Fixed: CSS fixes in managed templates Horizontal_box and Column_layout
  • Fixed: Repo items can now be ordered by country code
  • Fixed: Improved reviews parsing

1.5.0 (2016-08-29)

  • Added: New managed template option to show disclaimer text (Demo page)
  • Added: New managed template option for alignment (left, center, right, none) (Demo page)
  • Added: Support for featured image on Repo items (Read more)
  • Added: New option "Repo / Featured image fallback". Use Repo featured image if product has no image. (Read more)
  • Added: New option "Repo / Prefer featured image". Prefer the Repo featured image over the product image delivered by the API. (Read more)
  • Added: New managed template option to hide the price
  • Added: Repo search supports search for ASINs
  • Added: New option "Advanced / Cronjob event"
  • Changed: Moved options "Request limits handling" and "Max requests per second" to new options section "Advanced"
  • Changed: Improved responsive behavior on managed template "Sortable_table" (See options)
  • Fixed: Object cache improved (had issues with i18n products)
  • Fixed: Special characters in product title did not get escaped and could lead to HTML conflicts
  • Fixed: Bulk action below the list in Logs admin did not work

1.4.0 (2016-07-31)

  • Added: Support for WPML. (Read more) Demo:
  • Added: Support for advanced ACF custom fields, e.g. images
  • Added: New Repo filter to only show or exclude i18n products (Read more)
  • Added: New placeholder {{ OffersLowestCollectiblePriceAmount }} (Read more)
  • Added: New placeholder {{ OffersLowestCollectiblePriceCurrencyCode }} (Read more)
  • Added: New placeholder {{ OffersLowestCollectiblePriceFormattedPrice }} (Read more)
  • Added: New option to consider the lowest collectible price in placeholder {{ AutoPrice }}
  • Added: New option to hide the editor button
  • Added: New option to deactivate the Repo completely
  • Added: New option to always keep the backend pages in English
  • Added: Option to disable rating stars (Read more)
  • Changed: smart_collection option "main_price_between" does now use the AutoPrice value for filtering the collection results

1.3.5 (2016-05-27)

  • Added: Italian translation
  • Changed: AWS Secret Access Key can not be obtained through setup form source code any more
  • Changed: Improved responsive properties of managed template "Sortable_table"
  • Fixed: A bug in handling Associate IDs which contained dots.
  • Fixed: Default order in collection widget did not work
  • Fixed: Template cache run into an error if the content to be cached was just numbers (not a string)

1.3.4 (2016-04-17)

  • Fixed: Improved cache file directory handling in case the subdirectory "asa2" could not be created

1.3.3 (2016-04-09)

  • Added: Responsive flag to managed template "Sortable_table"
  • Added: New placeholders: {{ repo_category_slugs }}, {{ repo_tag_slugs }} containing the category and tag slugs of a repo item
  • Fixed: Issue with percent signs in product page URLs
  • Fixed: Issue with dots in Associate ID and short URLs
  • Fixed: Collections search on admin page did not work

1.3.2 (2016-03-20)

  • Added: Placeholder {{ MissingImageUrl }} (Read more)
  • Fixed: Feeds rendering improved
  • Fixed: Managed template "Columns_layout" improved for Firefox
  • Fixed: Improved slideshow rendering in managed templates

1.3.1 (2016-03-10)

  • Fixed: Custom Fields integration was broken (Read more)

1.3 (2016-03-05)

1.2.1 (2016-02-21)

  • Changed: Option "Load images via https" renamed to "Prepare for HTTPS" as it now cares about more than just image URLs.
  • Changed: Improved managed templates in terms of HTTPS handling.

1.2 (2016-02-14)

  • Added: Bulk URL importer feature for Repo items (see submenu ASA 2 Repo / Tools).
  • Added: "Mobile templates". Must be activated in "Options / Templates". Enables shortcode option "mobile_tpl" to define custom templates for mobile devices. (Read more)
  • Added: "alt" tag added to all img tags in managed templates.
  • Added: New option "Max slideshow items" to all managed templates with product image slideshows.
  • Added: New template option "Load jQuery". Use it in case special features of managed template did not work before, like the image slideshow. (Read more)
  • Added: Translation for product image slider in managed templates.
  • Changed: Shop page button in managed templates is now a link instead of a form like it was before.
  • Removed: Dependencies to PHP function set_include_path removed.
  • Removed: Dependencies to PHP function "parse_ini_file" removed. Config is now using a PHP array.
  • Fixed: Managed template "Sidebar" did append the image URL to the shop page URL.
  • Fixed: Executing the Repo refresh cronjob could produce a PHP Warning: "Cannot modify header information" if WP Super Cache was active.

1.1.1 (2016-02-01)

  • Added: New logging option to log errors related to the i18n feature
  • Fixed: Improved error handling in relation with the i18n feature, e.g. on issues with detecting the user's IP address

1.1.0 (2016-01-31)

  • Added: Single value rendering without template, e.g. [asa2 value="Title"]B0094J2BZ0[/asa2] (Read more)
  • Added: Migration Wizard. Migrates all ASA 1 contents (templates and collections) to ASA 2. (Read more)
  • Added: ASA 1 backwards compatibility. ASA 2 can now support [asa] and [asa_collection] shortcodes, the ASA 1 widget and ASA 1 PHP functions.
  • Added: New movie placeholders: {{ Subtitles }}, {{ SubtitlesArray }}, {{ SubtitlesHtmlList }}
  • Added: Associate ID Sets now work with every shortcode, not just with i18n products
  • Added: New Logging option "Time to keep" to protect against overloading the database.
  • Changed: Improved template error handling (more verbose log entries, exception handling on AJAX requests)
  • Changed: Improved image size of Amazon logos for better SEO results
  • Fixed: Placeholder {{ OffersMoreOffersURL }} could be empty for some products
  • Fixed: Added support for {$Languages} and {$Subtitles} to ASA 1 template converter
  • Fixed: Added rel="nofollow" to product images links in Managed Templates when they link to the shoppage

1.0.1 (2016-01-14)

  • Added: Image effect option for all managed templates: "Image links to shop page"
  • Added: Managed template "Sortable_list" has a new option to show a sortable column with the release date
  • Changed: Removed time from template placeholder {{ ReleaseDateBlogFormat }} (which always was 12:00 am). Now it only contains the date in blog format.
  • Fixed: Click on buy button could generate a warning message in some browsers if the site was connected via https
  • Fixed: Improved geo location IP address detection

1.0.0 (2016-01-10)

  • Release of public version 1.0
  • Changed: Managed templates updated

0.24.0 (2015-12-28)

  • Added: New shortcode option "disabled" (Read more)
  • Added: New option to display template rendering errors on front-end pages if logged in as admin (see: Options / Templates)
  • Added: Internationalization country mapping. Countries without Amazon store can now be mapped to those with store (see: Options / i18n).
  • Changed: Improved error logging for shortcode errors and invalid ASINs

0.23.3 (2015-12-17)

  • Changed: Managed templates update
  • Changed: Capabilities update

0.23.2 (2015-12-10)

  • Added: Capabilities to manage Repo terms
  • Fixed: Internationalized items did not work with smart collections

0.23.1 (2015-11-29)

  • Added: Smart collection orderby type "rating"
  • Fixed: Price information on Repo edit page
  • Fixed: Repo URL importer did not save categories and tags

0.23.0 (2015-11-22)

  • Added: New managed template "Sortable_table" (Read more)
  • Added: New smart collection orderby tpye "rating" to sort by customer reviews
  • Changed: Managed templates update
  • Changed: Cronjob cli output improved
  • Fixed: Smart collection options "is_available_main" did not work correctly

0.22.0 (2015-11-20)

  • Added: Custom capabilities to be able to delegate every ASA 2 feature to certain user roles

0.21.4 (2015-11-18)

  • Changed: Managed templates update

0.21.3 (2015-11-16)

  • Changed: Placeholder {{ FeatuesHTML }} -> {{ FeaturesHtmlList }}
  • Changed: Placeholder {{ LanguagesHTML }} -> {{ LanguagesHtmlList }}
  • Added: New options to customize title size and color for managed templates
  • Added: New image effect options for managed templates

0.21.2 (2015-11-13)

  • Added: Managed template "Music"
  • Fixed: Improvements in activation process

0.21.1 (2015-11-12)

  • Changed: Layout improvements for managed templates
  • Changed: Auto patching on version updates improved
  • Fixed: Shortcode [smart_collection] did not work with option "tracking_id" to set a custom tracking ID

0.21.0 (2015-11-10)

  • Added: Customizable templates: Some of the managed templates are now very easy to customize. Just click the "Customize" link and change the settings.
  • Added: New translations used in managed templates "Movie" and "Book".
  • Changed: Product Picker's template selection is sensitive for managed and list ready templates now. List ready templates will not show for single items. Managed templates will auto-check option "Use template name".

0.20.1 (2015-10-29)

  • Added: Taxonomy operator selection added to notification taxonomies (categories and tags)
  • Changed: Changed icon for product picker button on admin pages
  • Fixed: Notifications did not work with multiple tags

0.20.0 (2015-10-22)

  • Added: Product Picker now has the ability to sort results based on the category's sort options
  • Added: Product Picker search result shows if an item already exists in the Repo
  • Fixed: Template converter produced some faulty formatted placeholders
  • Fixed: Adding a Repo item which already existed, resulted in an endless loading animation

0.19.1 (2015-10-16)

  • Changed: Improved placeholder selection for copy and paste in template editor
  • Fixed: AJAX mode had issues when using special characters with shortcode option "comment"

0.19.0 (2015-10-11)

  • Added: Setup option to connect API via https
  • Added: Support for Amazon Brazil and Mexico
  • Changed: Old: {{ repo_content }} New: {{ RepoContent }}
  • Changed: Old: {{ repo_excerpt }} New: {{ RepoExcerpt }}
  • Changed: AJAX improvements
  • Removed: {{ WpUploadDir }}

0.18.0 (2015-09-30)

  • Added: Managed templates (Read more)
  • Fixed: Page title support
  • Fixed: Minor fixes and improvements

0.17.0 (2015-09-16)

  • Added: Added option Templates / Load images via https
  • Added: Placeholders {{ OffersAutoPriceAmount }}, {{ OffersAutoPriceCurrencyCode }}, {{ OffersAutoPriceFormattedPrice }} (Read more)
  • Added: Option "Custom empty price text"
  • Added: Mark HTML templates as snippets which will exclude them from template selection menus
  • Added: Support for Amazon India
  • Removed: Placeholders {{ OffersFallbackPriceAmount }}, {{ OffersFallbackPriceCurrencyCode }}, {{ OffersFallbackPriceFormattedPrice }} have been removed

0.16.0 (2015-08-27)

  • Security: Improvements in options and form handling

0.15.0 (2015-08-23)

  • Added: Option to remove feed items from Repo if they are not used in feeds any more
  • Fixed: Repo sorting for last refresh date

0.14.0 (2015-08-10)

  • Added: Template filter "gallery" for use with {{ ImageSetsArray }} ([Read more]
  • Changed: Using the first image in image sets, if no main product image is delivered by the API
  • Changed: Clear cache buttons in options panel
  • Changed: Renaming placeholder {{ RequestTimestamp }} New: {{ LastItemUpdate }}
  • Changed: Renaming placeholder {{ RequestTimestampBlogFormat }} New: {{ LastItemUpdateBlogFormat }}
  • Changed: Renaming placeholder {{ Features }} New: {{ FeaturesArray }}
  • Changed: Renaming placeholder {{ ImageSets }} New: {{ ImageSetsArray }}
  • Fixed: Bulk delete of default template showed success message although the default tempalte can not be deleted

0.13.0 (2015-08-02)

  • Added: Internationalized products
  • Added: Associate ID sets
  • Added: Template translations
  • Added: Error logging for template engine
  • Added: smart_collection order by "main_price"
  • Added: Reinstall presets templates
  • Changed: Feed sorting improved

0.12.0 (2015-06-23)

  • Added: Repo options to use Repo item pages publicly
  • Added: Placeholders: {{ OfferSalePriceAmount }}, {{ OfferSalePriceCurrencyCode }}, {{ OfferSalePriceFormattedPrice }}
  • Added: Option to render ASA 2 tags in RSS feeds
  • Changed: Ajax refactoring

0.11.1 (2015-05-29)

  • Fixed: Minor bugfixes

0.11.0 (2015-05-25)

  • Added: Search option "Sold by Amazon"
  • Added: Feed options: Add default category and/or feed name as category
  • Added: Option to disable cache when logged in as admin
  • Fixed: Search for similar products in product picker

0.10.0 (2015-05/03)

0.9.0 (2015-05-01)

  • Added: Support for parent products with variations (products with price range) (Read more)

0.8.1 (2015-04-22)

  • Changed: Multisite compatibility
  • Changed: Repo save requests get queued now to prevent duplicates on parallel requests (e.g. on ajax requests)
  • Fixed: Notification email rendering had a problem with counting results

0.8.0 (2015-04-16)

  • Added: Repo refresh cronjob: configure the allowed API request limits per second to prevent RequestThrottle issues

0.7.0 (2015-04-06)

  • Added: Product Picker redesign
  • Added: Product picker results show additional product properties
  • Added: Collections custom sort ID
  • Added: Select from two short URL formats
  • Fixed: Dashboard Repo overview mistakenly refreshed products

0.6.0 (2015-03-29)

  • Added: Notifications: Bulk activate/deactivate
  • Added: smart_collection options: has_small_image_url, has_medium_image_url, has_large_image_url. (Read more)
  • Added: AJAX CSS3 loading animations
  • Added: Support for short URL format. Activate in options globally or use shortcode option "short_url" (Read more)
  • Changed: Name of Repo refresh cronjob changed to "Asa2_Module_Repo_Cron_Refresh" (Read more)
  • Changed: Include name in single template export file
  • Fixed: Collections: Support for surrounding container in templates
  • Fixed: Copy collections
  • Fixed: Placeholder OffersTotalOffers now contains the sum of main, new and used offers. New placeholder {{ OffersTotalMain }}

0.5.0 (2015-03-26)

  • Added: Notifications feature (Read more)
  • Fixed: New version check

0.4.0 (2015-03-15)

  • Added: Sales rank support for smart collections (Read more)

0.3.4 (2015-03-12)

  • Fixed: PHP 5.2 workaround for DOMNodeList not implementing Traversable interface
  • Fixed: Fixed a bug in page title support feature

0.3.2 (2015-03-09)

  • Changed: Refactoring for better support of PHP functions (Read more)

0.3.1 (2015-03-02)

  • Added: Product picker: "Get similar" link on API search result
  • Fixed: Product picker search result preview images did not show on hover due to z-index issue

0.3.0 (2015-03-01)

  • Added: Repo filter "Availability". Repo items now store data about their availability which can be used for filtering
  • Added: Repo links to shop, availability and reviews page
  • Added: New smart_collection options: "is_available_main", "is_available_new", "is_available_used". (Read more)

0.2.1 (2015-02-28)

  • Fixed: Error message during activation

0.2.0 (2015-02-25)

  • Added: Dashboard clickable invalid Repo items
  • Added: Repo filter Status Ok / Failed
  • Changed: Updated menu order

0.1.1 (2015-02-23)

  • Changed: Minor improvements
  • Fixed: WelcomePage

0.1.0 (2015-02-21)

  • Initial beta test release