Today the new version 1.5 of ASA 2 has been released. It comes with some new very helpful and cool features!
Disclaimer texts
Some of you have asked for it, now you have it: A new option for managed templates to show a disclaimer text for the affiliate links.
The options
There are two possible options. The first, Asterisk and text, will add an asterisk to the title link and shop button and include the disclaimer text inside the template. If you do not want the disclaimer text to be displayed in every single product box, select the second option. It will just add the asterisk to the title link and shop button and you can add the disclaimer text manually on the page, e.g. in the footer.
The following screenshot shows an example with asterisk an included disclaimer text:
More examples
More examples can be found on the disclaimer text demo page.
Change the disclaimer text
You can change the disclaimer text. It is a template translation string called “disclaimer” and can be found in ASA 2’s admin section “Templates / Translation”:
Featured image
Sometimes products do not have image information delivered by the Amazon API although images appear on the product page. In order to still display an image for those products, you can now use the featured image of the Repo item. Just upload an image or select one from the media library as you know it from other post types.
Requires option to be activated
The featured image will not be used out-of-the-box. You have to activate one of the two new options.
Featured image fallback will show the featured image if there was no image information delivered by the API:
Prefer feature image will prefer the featured image over the one delivered by the Amazon API:
Template alignments
Another great new feature is template alignments. You can either set an alignment globally for managed templates or manually per shortcode what is more flexible. In addition to the alignment, you can define the maximum width of the template.
ASA 2’s product picker is prepared for managed templates that support alignment. You will find a dropdown box on the “Shortcode” tab where you can choose from “Default”, “None”, “Left”, “Center”, or “Right”.
Alignment Example
[asa2 tpl="Book" align="right"]1514807351[/asa2]
This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template. This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template. This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template. This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template. This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template. This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template. This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template.
This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template. This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template. This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template. This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template. This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template. This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template. This is just a dummy text to float around the right aligned book template.
More alignment examples
More examples for product template alignment can be found on the alignment demo page.
Sortable_table improved for responsive behavior
With version 1.5, the managed template “Sortable_table” got improved in terms of its responsive behavior. You can now configure which column of a table should be shown on what device (mobile, tablet or desktop). The options can also be set per shortcode to be able to define different priorities on different tables.
For more details check the Sortable_table demo page, where you can find all available shortcode options.
Other updates
Next to the mentioned new features there have been more improvements and bugfixes. You can now search for ASINs on the Repo overview page. The managed templates got another new option to hide the price completely.
Fixes have been made to the object cache that did not work well together with the i18n feature before. Also special characters in product title names should not cause HTML conflicts any more.
All details about the changes of version 1.5 can be found in the changelog.
Have fun with ASA 2 1.5 and let me know if you have any problems or new ideas.