Black Friday Sale 2019 – 30% discount code for ASA2!

Written by Timo

Creator of ASA2

November 28, 2019

The ASA2 Black Friday Sale is online with a 30% discount!


It is valid until December 2, 2019.

The coupon code is valid for all purchases on

The best chance to get PA API 5 support!

This is your chance to upgrade to the new ASA2 version which is compatible with the Amazon PA API 5.0 which gets mandatory from February 11, 2020.

Since Amazon expects to deactivate API version 4 in February 2020, ASA2 versions older than 1.12 will not be able to load product data via the API. Therefore, it will be necessary to use versions greater than 1.12 to continue using ASA2 profitably.

In addition to the well-known range of features, ASA2 is constantly being developed to continue to be your best choice for Amazon Affiliate Plugin for WordPress. The next big functions will be comparison tables and keyword search. Stay in touch, best by signing up for the newsletter.

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